Test #6 - Existentialism
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
- Evaluate problems faced by the Ethical Life
- Alain de Botton - Nietzsche on Hardship
- Discussion
- Nerdwriter - Kintsugi
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Kierkegaard IV
- Evaluate problems faced by the Ethical Life
- The Problem of the Ethical
- Watch Scrubs - Season 5, Episode 20 - "My Lunch"
- Discussion
- The Religious Life
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Sartre - Existentialism Is A Humanism
- Describe the major ideas of Existentialism as presented by Jean Paul Sartre
- Evaluate Sartre's concepts of freedom, authenticity, and humanism.
- Return Readings
- Music: "Ecce Homo" by Titus Andronicus
- Video - School of Life (Sartre)
- Discussion: Existentialism is a Humanism
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Kierkegaard II
- Reading Check
- Finish Crop Rotation
- Discuss Diapsalmata
- Read: Equilibrium
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Kierkegaard I
- Return Papers
- Classwork Reminder & Absences
- If you're here the day a reading is due and it's incomplete, it is a zero with no chance to turn it in. The whole purpose is preparing for the discussion.
- If you're absent the day an assignment is due, it's your job to turn it into the inbox or talk to me immediately upon your return.
- If you're absent, it's your job to find out everything you missed from a peer. You can also check the website and talk to me - but I'm not going to track you down.
- Check your grades online. Note the following:
- Blank means it isn't graded yet and it won't affect you one way or the other
- Zero means it's a zero. You're done.
- Z means it's missing and you can turn it in late for 50% credit. As time passes, these turn into zeros.
- On Safe Spaces handouts, very varied responses. High quality work got bonus points.
- If you goof off in class, then I expect you're doing the work at home. If you're busy outside of school, then you should be laser focused with in-class work time.
- Tests were a BIG improvement this time - quite a few people with 100% or higher.
- Kierkegaard Discussion - Crop Rotation
- Reading Time
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Test & Nihilism
- Test - Justice
- Nihilism Notes
- Kierkegaard - A Brief Introduction
- Begin Reading (if time)
Coming Up
- Read "Crop Rotation" for Wednesday (Tomorrow)
- An introduction to the aesthetic lifestyle
- Read "The Diapsalmata" for Thursday
- We'll discuss A's perspective
- Read "Equilibrium" for Friday
- We'll talk about The Ethical Life and watch Scrubs
Monday, December 7, 2015
- Explain the role of ideology in our society
- Evaluate presidential candidates in the context of political ideology
- A Precise Definition of Ideology
- The Packet
- Review Fascism Briefly
- Haidt - The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives
- https://www.isidewith.com/
- Justice Test (tomorrow) & Nihilism
- Wednesday: Kierkegaard
Friday, December 4, 2015
Fascism Friday
Fascism has cropped up in the news lately through attacks on Donald Trump:
Let's evaluate if these criticisms are valid or simply name-calling, by considering Umberto Eco's analysis of the commonalities between fascist movements.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Applied Philosophy: Free Speech and Safe Spaces
Follow the instructions on this page.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Applied Philosophy: The Social Contract and War
Follow the instructions on this page
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
- Socialism Notes - Marx on Revolution
- Ideology Interlude:
- Brief Lecture on Political Spectrum
- Single vs. Multi-Axis Models
- Problems.
- Work Time
- View Ideology Videos (see unit page)
Coming Up...
- Thursday - Conservatism I
- DUE: Read & Annotate "On Conservatism"
- Friday: Conservatism II
- Monday: The Social Contract: Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau
- Tuesday: BSG - Bastille Day (I think?)
- After Break: Free Speech & J.S. Mill, A Fair Start & John Rawls, Fascism, Justice Test
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Socialism III
- "Why Socialism?" Discussion
- Socialism Notes - Marx on Revolution
Coming Up...
- Wednesday - Political Ideology Interlude / Read Oakshott
- Thursday - Notes on Conservatism & Discuss On Conservatism Reading
- DUE: Read & Annotate "On Conservatism"
Monday, November 16, 2015
Socialism II
- Socialism
- Introductory Notes
- Alienated Labor Reading
- More Notes!
Coming Up...
- Monday - Marx's Critique of Capitalism / Read Einstein
- Tuesday - Marx on Revolution & Utopia / Discuss Einstein
- DUE: "Why Socialism" & Watch Marx Videos By This Day (See Unit Page)
- Wednesday - Political Ideology Interlude / Read Oakshott
- Thursday - Notes on Conservatism & Discuss On Conservatism Reading
- DUE: Read & Annotate On Conservatism
Friday, November 13, 2015
- Socialism
- Introductory Notes
- Alienated Labor Reading
- More Notes!
Coming Up...
- Monday - Marx's Critique of Capitalism
- Tuesday - Marx on Revolution & Utopia
- DUE: Watch Marx Videos By This Day (See Unit Page)
- Wednesday - Notes on Conservatism & Discuss On Conservatism Reading
- DUE: Read & Annotate On Conservatism
- Thursday - Political Ideology Interlude
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Ayn Rand
- Let's Talk About Learning
- Ayn Rand
- Notes + Interview with Mike Wallace
- Discussion
- Socialism
- Introductory Notes
Coming Up...
- Tomorrow - Discuss Alienated Labor Reading
- Monday - Marx's Critique of Capitalism
- Tuesday - Marx on Revolution & Utopia
- Wednesday - Notes on Conservatism & Discuss On Conservatism Reading
- Thursday - Locke and Hobbes on The Social Contract
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Out Sick - Libertarianism
I'm unfortunately not doing so well today. As a result, your test is pushed back one day and you'll start looking at Libertarianism. I'll be calling on the help of Dr. Sandel one more time to guide us in this task. Watch the video below, this information will be critical to our Justice Unit.
Even if it says "we're processing this video" you should be able to download it without issue. It is also available on youtube if you search for it on your phones.
I will hopefully see you all tomorrow. Have a good day.
Even if it says "we're processing this video" you should be able to download it without issue. It is also available on youtube if you search for it on your phones.
I will hopefully see you all tomorrow. Have a good day.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Virtue Ethics Day 2
- Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
- Analyze Virtues & Vices
- Complete Worksheet (turn in @ end of class)
- Review for Test
This Week
- Tomorrow - Ethics Test & Libertarianism
- Wednesday - Marxism
- Thursday - Marxism
- Friday - Conservatism
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Sub Plans - Virtue Ethics Reading
Mr M is out today to work on curriculum for computer science. Please complete the following assignment on Virtue Ethics during class. These ideas might come up tomorrow during our final BSG discussion!
Monday, November 2, 2015
- Evaluate Kant's deontological principles
- Kant PowerPoint
Coming Up!
- Tomorrow: BSG - Pegasus II
- Wednesday: Virtue Ethics Reading
- Thursday: BSG - Pegasus III
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Animal Liberation
- Evaluate two famous thought experiments
- Analyze the benefits and pitfalls of Utilitarian logic
- Singer - Animal Liberation Discussion
Coming Up!
- Tomorrow: Pegasus
- Monday: Kant
Thursday, October 22, 2015
The Greater Good
- Evaluate two famous thought experiments
- Analyze the benefits and pitfalls of Utilitarian logic
- Trolley Problem
- Types of Ethics
- Utilitarianism
- Bentham
- Queen vs. Dudley and Stephens
Coming Up!
- Friday: Utilitarianism #2
Monday, October 19, 2015
What Is Love?
- Evaluate philosopher's arguments about love
- PowerPoint
Coming Up!
- Tues: Test + Presentations
- Wed: Project Day
- Thursday: Utilitarianism #1
- Friday: Utilitarianism #2
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
500 Days of Summer - Part Two
- Evaluate Tom & Summer's relationship
- Film: 500 Days of Summer (30 minutes)
- Discussion
- due next Tuesday - Happiness Project
- Thur: Project Day
- Mon: Philosophers on Love
- Tues: Test + Project Day #1
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
500 Days of Summer
- Evaluate Haidt's arguments about love and attachment,
- Film: 500 Days of Summer
- due next Monday - Happiness Project
- Wed: 500 Days of Summer (Finish + Discuss)
- Thur: Project Day
- Mon: Philosophers on Love
- Tues: Test + Project Day #1
Monday, October 12, 2015
Haidt - Love & Attachment
- Evaluate Haidt's arguments about love and attachment,
- Reading Check
- Discussion: Love & Attachment
- Project Time
- due next Monday - Happiness Project
- Tuesday: Plato's Symposium + The School of Life
- Wed/Thurs: 500 Days of Summer
Friday, October 9, 2015
- Analyze Aristotle's assessment of friendship
- Nichomachean Ethics Discussion
- due Monday
- Haidt Ch 6 - Love & Attachment - Due Monday (Read + Annotate)
- Monday: Discuss Haidt
- Tuesday: What is Love? Plato's Symposium + The School of Life
- Wed/Thurs: 500 Days of Summer
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
- Evaluate Haidt's arguments about happiness
- Aristotle PowerPoint
- Work Time
- Conference with Mr. M about topics
- Topic Sign-Up Form
- Pick one by Monday!
- due Friday
- Nichomachean Ethics (Read + Annotate)
- Thursday: Nichomachean Ethics Discussion
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Happiness Comes From Between
- Evaluate Haidt's arguments about happiness
- Annotation Check
- Discussion: Happiness Hypothesis Ch 10
- due Wednesday
- Pursuit of Happiness - Aristotle (Just read)
- School of Life - Aristotle (Watch)
- due Friday
- Nichomachean Ethics (Read + Annotate)
- Wednesday: Aristotle PowerPoint
- Thursday: Work Day
- Thursday: Nichomachean Ethics Discussion
Friday, October 2, 2015
Happiness Hypothesis
- Evaluate Haidt's arguments about happiness
- Collect Journals
- Annotation Check
- Discussion: Happiness Hypothesis Ch 5
- due Monday
- Pursuit of Happiness - Epicurus (Just read)
- due Tuesday
- Happiness Hypothesis Ch 10 (Read + Annotate)
- due Wednesday
- Pursuit of Happiness - Aristotle (Just read)
- School of Life - Aristotle (Watch)
- due Thursday
- Nichomachean Ethics (Read + Annotate)
- Monday: Epicurus PowerPoint
- Tuesday: Happiness Hypothesis Ch 10 Discussion
- Wednesday: Aristotle PowerPoint
- Thursday: Nichomachean Ethics Discussion
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Taoism / Test #2
- Explain the main tenets of Taoism
- Taoism PowerPoint
- Regina Spektor
- Yin & Yang
- Lao Tzu
- Quotes
- Work-Life Balance
- Test #2
- Homework!
- Read Happiness Hypothesis Ch 5 for Friday
- Journal Entry #4 - Eastern Religions (next collection: Friday)
Coming Up!
- Thursday: Stoics
- Friday: Happiness Hypothesis Ch 5
Guest Speaker / Taoism
- Explain the main tenets of Taoism
- Guest Speaker on Buddhism - Mr. Haardt
- Taoism PowerPoint
- Regina Spektor
- Yin & Yang
Coming Up!
- Wednesday: Finish Notes & Test #2
- Thursday: Stoics
- Friday: Happiness Hypothesis Ch 5
Monday, September 28, 2015
- Evaluate if whether or not one ought to believe in God
- Explain the main tenets of Buddhism
- Discuss Life of Pi
- Buddhism PowerPoint / Short Readings / Discussion
- Franz Ferdinand
- An Exercise
- School of Life
- Notes
- Readings
- Thunk
Coming Up!
- Tuesday: Taoism
- Wednesday: Test & Stoics
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Life of Pi (Two Days)
Mr. M will be out on Friday. As such, here are the plans and assignments for both Thursday and Friday in one epic post.
The Plan
- Watch Life of Pi
- Complete Journal Entry #3 - Life of Pi
- Watch "Thunk" Videos to Review a few ideas (see Unit Page)
- The Problem of Evil
- Pascal's Wager and Aliens
You'll likely have a little time in class tomorrow after Life of Pi to do the journal entry and watch the videos. Please take advantage of it! Keep in mind that I will begin collecting journals next week. There will not be a quiz on the Thunk videos, but they're excellent reviews (and they may have some new info - which is fair game on the test).
As a side note, if you look back on Unit 1 and the Introduction, I've posted more videos from Thunk on topics we've discussed. You won't be tested on them, but if you're curious they're really interesting.
Next Week
- Monday - Buddhism
- Tuesday - Taoism / Review
- Wednesday - Test #2: God & A Lesson on Stoicism
- Thursday - Happiness Hypothesis - Happiness Comes From Between
- Friday - Epicurus
Monday, September 21, 2015
Pascal's Wager
- Evaluate if whether or not one ought to believe in God
- Annotation Check
- Discuss Pascal's Wager
Coming Up!
- Thursday: Life of Pi
- Friday: Life of Pi
The Problem of Evil
- Evaluate if whether or not one ought to believe in God
- Explain God Unit
- Discuss Epicurus' Problem Of Evil
Coming Up!
- Tomorrow: Pascal's Wager
- Thursday: Life of Pi
- Friday: Life of Pi
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
- Watch
- Update: Mr. M is absurd. Pushing things back!
- Watch Dollhouse - Man on the Street - S1E6
Coming Up!
- Tomorrow: Determinism vs. Free Will
- Friday: Test #1 - Truth
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
The Divided Mind
- Discuss a collection of essays about epistemology and metaphysics.
- "Quiz" on In Praise of Idleness / HH Reading Check
- Discuss In Praise of Idleness (Briefly)
- Discuss Happiness Hypothesis
- Psychology Sidebar - "This Video Will Make You Angry"
Coming Up!
- Tomorrow: Determinism vs. Free Will
- Thursday: Test #1 - Truth
Friday, September 11, 2015
Sick day - In Praise of Idleness
Class -
I'm unfortunately sick again. I wish I could join you all today, but I'm not doing so well. So we don't waste the day, I'm going to share an excellent essay we sometimes read about that relates to politics, happiness, economics, and BEING LAZY. What better way to celebrate the coming weekend?
Please read the following essay, titled "In Praise of Idleness" by Bertrand Russel;
You will have a brief open-note reading quiz about it on Tuesday, and then we'll resume our usual schedule.
If for some reason this link does not work at school, endeavor to find another one. A simple search of the title and author should yield many versions.
I'm unfortunately sick again. I wish I could join you all today, but I'm not doing so well. So we don't waste the day, I'm going to share an excellent essay we sometimes read about that relates to politics, happiness, economics, and BEING LAZY. What better way to celebrate the coming weekend?
Please read the following essay, titled "In Praise of Idleness" by Bertrand Russel;
You will have a brief open-note reading quiz about it on Tuesday, and then we'll resume our usual schedule.
If for some reason this link does not work at school, endeavor to find another one. A simple search of the title and author should yield many versions.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
What is True?
- Discuss a collection of essays about epistemology and metaphysics.
- What Is True? Discussion
- Read and Annotate "The Divided Mind" Packet (Friday)
- Tomorrow: Mind PowerPoint
- Friday: The Divided Mind discussion
- Tuesday: Determinism vs. Free Will
- Wednesday: Test #1 - Truth
Rachel's Challenge
- Talk about ethics and arguments
- Assembly
- Discuss Rachel's Challenge
- Read and Annotate "The Divided Mind" Packet (Friday)
- Tomorrow: "What is True?" Discussion
- Thursday: Mind PowerPoint
- Friday: The Divided Mind discussion
Thursday, September 3, 2015
- Explain major ideas from metaphysics
- Analyze the major themes of Descartes' Meditations
- Quiz
- Discuss Descartes
- "What is True?" Reading
- Read and Annotate "What is True" Packet (Tomorrow)
- Friday:"What Is True?" Discussion
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
- Describe major fields of Philosophy
- Explain major ideas in Epistemology
- Epistomology PowerPoint
- Reading Time!
- Prepare for Reading Quiz on Blackburn (Tomorrow)
- Read and Annotate "What is True" Packet (Friday)
- Thursday: Reading Quiz (Blackburn) / Reading Time
- Friday:"What Is True?" Discussion
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The Allegory of the Cave
- Analyze Plato's Allegory of the Cave
- With your own / on your groups - watch - "What is Philosophy For?"
- Allegory of the Cave Assignment (see Truth)
- At 10:10 - Discuss Allegory of the Cave
- Prepare for Reading Quiz on Blackburn (Thurs)
- Read and Annotate "What is True" Packet (Friday)
- Wednesday: Epistemology PowerPoint / Reading Time
- Thursday: Reading Quiz (Blackburn) / Reading Time
- Friday:"What Is True?" Discussion
Monday, August 31, 2015
The Apology (Part 2)
- Evaluate Plato's depiction of Socrates in The Apology
- Evaluate the proposition that: "the good man cannot be harmed"
- Discuss Plato's Apology
- Reading Time - Use It!
- Prepare for Reading Quiz on Blackburn (Thurs)
- Read and Annotate "What is True" Packet (Friday)
- Tomorrow: Allegory of the Cave Assignment / Discussion
- Wednesday: Epistemology PowerPoint / Reading Time
- Thursday: Reading Quiz (Blackburn) / Reading Time
- Friday:"What Is True?" due
Friday, August 28, 2015
The Apology
- Evaluate Plato's depiction of Socrates in The Apology
- Evaluate the proposition that: "the good man cannot be harmed"
- Grab a "What is True?" Packet
- Discuss Plato's Apology
- Begin reading for next week. Aim to have it done by Tuesday. May be extended.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Logic Quiz & Presentations!
- Analyze logical fallacies
- Logic Quiz
- Logic Presentations
- Explanation / Poster
- Skit
- Read Plato's Apology
- Plato's Apology (due tomorrow!)
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Logic Posters
- Analyze logical fallacies
- Logic PowerPoint
- Work on Posters / Skit (tomorrow in class!)
- Logic Reading (open-note quiz tomorrow)
- Plato's Apology (due Friday)
Coming Up:
- Thursday: Logic Quiz, Present Posters, Reading Time
- Friday: Discuss Plato's Apology
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Socrates & Logic
- Describe the life of Socrates
- Analyze logical fallacies
- Socrates PowerPoint
- Posters & Skit
- Logic Reading (open-note quiz on Thursday)
- Plato's Apology (due Friday)
Coming Up:
- Wednesday: Logic Notes + Present Posters
- Thursday: Logic Quiz, Reading Time
- Friday: Discuss Plato's Apology
Sunday, August 23, 2015
- Explain classroom procedures and expectations
- Analyze the purpose of philosophy
- Introduction PowerPoint
- Computers
- Log On
- Website
- Assign teams, begin planning poster and skit
- Info Sheet / Permission Slip (due Tuesday)
- Bring in arts & craft supplies (for Tomorrow & Wednesday)
- Logic Reading (open-note quiz on Thursday)
- Plato's Apology (due Friday)
Coming Up:
- Tuesday: Socrates + Poster Creation
- Wednesday: Logic Notes + Finish posters and present them
- Thursday: Logic Quiz, Reading Time
- Friday: Discuss Plato's Apology
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
Purpose Projects III
Extra Credit Pop Quiz (up to +5 points)
Monday, May 18, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Dollhouse Part Two
- Dollhouse S2E5- "The Public Eye" (Netflix)
- Discussion (Questions)
Monday, May 11, 2015
Identity - Extra Day
On Thursday, we had an evacuation drill that knocked fourth block off schedule. We're going to have a catch-up day, then resume our schedule as follows.
Block 3
Block 3
- Work Time
- Watch V-Sauce
- Plan Projects
- Lunch
- Discussion
- Finish Dollhouse S1E6
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Watch V-Sauce
- Discussion
Upcoming Schedule
- Tues 5/12 - Dollhouse S2E4
- Wed 5/13 - Project Day (AP Exams Conflict), TOPICS DUE
- Thurs 5/14 - Dollhouse S2E5
- Friday 5/15 - Nozick
- Monday 5/18 - Rawls
- Tuesday 5/19 - ????
- Wednesday 5/20 - Purpose Presentations, PROJECT DUE
- Thursday 5/21 - Purpose Presentations
- Friday 5/22 - Purpose Presentations
- Tuesday 5/26 - Last Day!
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
- Mini-Lecture: Major Themes of Camus
- Scrubs S8E2 - "My Last Words"
- Discussion
- Journal #10
- Pick one idea from one existentialist thinker we've studied this unit that resonated with you. Summarize it, and then explain why it's significant to you.
Coming Up:
- Tomrrow: Existentialism Test
Monday, May 4, 2015
- Mini-Lecture: Major Themes of Sartre
- Absurdity
- Radical Freedom
- "The Look"
- Existentialism as Humanism
- Discussion
Coming Up:
- Tomorrow: Camus & Scrubs
- Thursday: Test
Friday, May 1, 2015
Ag Day!
Homework For Tuesday
Homework For Tuesday
- Watch Sarte Video
- Read "Existentialism as a Humanism"
Thursday, April 30, 2015
- Introduce Purpose Projects
- Unit Outline - Available On Right
- Watch "School of Life" Video on Nietzsche
- Nietzsche Assignment (due today)
- Discuss Main Ides
- We're going outside for Ag Day!
- We'll talk about Animal Rights with Peter Singer
- By Monday, watch "School of Life" on Sarte
- Monday is a work day
- By Tuesday, read "Existentialism As A Humanism" - 20 short pages
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Kierkegaard III
Agenda (Block 3)
- PowerPoint - The Ethical Life (Block 3)
- Problem of the Ethical
- Watch Scrubs - Season 5, Episode 20 - "My Lunch"
- Discussion
Agenda (Block 4)
- Review Aesthetic & Ethical
- The Problem of the Ethical
- Watch Scrubs - Season 5, Episode 20 - "My Lunch"
- Discussion
- The Religious Life
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Kierkegaard II
- Discuss Either/Or - "The Diapsalmata"
- Reading Time
- Discuss Either/Or - Judge William's Letter
Coming Up
- Tomorrow: Judge William and the Ethical Life - And Scrubs
Friday, April 24, 2015
Ethics Test / Existentialism Intro
- Ethics Test
- Nihilism and Existentialism PowerPoint
Coming Up
- Friday: Ethics Test, PowerPoint on Existentialism & Nihilism
- Monday: Kierkegaard
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Ethics Wrap-Up Day
- Watch TED Talk - "Dan Ariely - Our Buggy Moral Code"
- Discussion
- Review For Test
- Brief Kierkegaard / Existentialism Intro
- Begin Kierkegaard Reading - "Crop Rotation" due on Monday
Coming Up
- Friday: Ethics Test, PowerPoint on Existentialism & Nihilism
- Monday: Kierkegaard
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
- Finish Virtue Ethics Notes
- Watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
- Discuss the musical in the context of virtue ethics
Coming Up
- Tomorrow: TED Talk - A Lesson On Cheating, Ethics Review, Work Time
- Friday: Ethics Test, PowerPoint on Existentialism & Nihilism
- Monday: Kierkegaard
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Ethics Part 1 & 2 Review
Have you been absent? Miss a day or two of notes on Utilitarianism and Deontology? Need a review before the test? Please look at the "For Your Consideration" page (see right bar). My powerpoints are closely aligned with the Justice course from Harvard (read: I stole lessons from Dr. Sandel). The entire course is on youtube. The four links provided will allow you to catch up on missed days, and do so more effectively than reading the PowerPoint alone.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Battlestar Galactica
- We'll spend a few days watching Battlestar Galactica to examine ethical dillemmas.
- Your assignment is on this page:
- Battlestar Ethics
- You'll write two journal entries this week. These should be #8 and #9. See the page above for details.
- We'll mostly be watching the show in class, but there will be times we stop to discuss the moral issues faced by the characters.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Peter Singer and Kant
- Consequentialism
- Discuss Peter Singer's arguments about "The Drowning Child"
- Evaluate Utilitarianism
- Activity: http://slaveryfootprint.org
- Deontology
- Kant Introduction
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Utilitarianism (Part 3)
- Utilitarianism Powerpoint
- Higher & Lower Pleasures
- John Stuart Mill
- Examples
- Music
- Comedy
- Discussion
- Drowning Child
- Why I Am Not A Utilitarian
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Utilitarianism (Part 2)
- Utilitarianism Powerpoint
- Bentham
- Queen vs. Dudley and Stephens
- Measuring Utility
- Utilitarian Readings due Thursday (due tomorrow)
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Utilitarianism (Part 1)
- Happiness Papers - Common Problems
- Return Happiness Papers
- Turn In "In Praise of Idleness"
- Missing Work Reminder
- Today is your absolute last day
- Hand in any missing work by the end of the period
- Make up test at lunch or after school (before 2:45)
- Story Time
- "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas"
- Discussion
- Utilitarianism Powerpoint
- The Trolley Problem
- Bentham
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Happiness Test & Presentations Day 1
- Happiness Test Link
- Project Presentations
Friday, March 27, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Nichomachean Ethics
- Analyze Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics
- Discussion on Nichomachean Ethics
- Topic Signup
Monday, March 23, 2015
Reign Over Me - Part Two
- Project Update
- Topics Due Tomorrow
- Project Due on Monday 3/30
- Door Decoration (p4) - Today After School
- Agenda Update
- Today - Reign Over Me
- Tomorrow - Nichomachean Ethics (Day 2), Reign over Me Sheet Due
- Wed - Haidt Chapter 6: Love & Attachment
- Thur - 500 Days of Summer
- Fri - 500 Days of Summer
- Mon - Test #3: Happiness
- Today
- Watch Reign over Me
- Discuss Reign over Me
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
- Evaluate Aristotle's arguments about Happiness
- Permission Slip - Reign over Me
- Take the appropriate one from the middle!
- Get it signed for TOMORROW
- PowerPoint - Aristotle
- Nicomachean Ethics - On Friendship (reading - due tomorrow)
Monday, March 16, 2015
Happiness Hypothesis X
- Evaluate Haidt's arguments about Happiness
- Discussion - Happiness Hypothesis Chapter 10
- Work Time
- Aristotle (for tomorrow)
- Reading & Video - See "classical philosophy" on right
- Happiness Project
- Topic & Format - due Wed 18th
- Final Version - due Wed 25th
Friday, March 13, 2015
- Evaluate Epicurus arguments about Happiness
- Notes & Discussion- Epicurus
- Work Time
- Epicurean Reading (Tomorrow)
- Happiness Project
- Topic & Format - due Wed 18th
- Final Version - due Wed 25th
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Happiness Hypothesis - Chapter V
![]() |
- Evaluate Haidt's arguments about Happiness
- Discussion - Happiness Hypothesis
- Work Time
- Epicurean Reading (Tomorrow)
- Happiness Project
- Topic & Format - due Wed 18th
- Final Version - due Wed 25th
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
- Evaluate the idea of Stoicism
- Music: "Float On" by Modest Mouse
- Stoicism Notes & Discussion
- Video - "This is Water"
- Happiness Project
- Topic & Format - due Wed 18th
- Final Version - due Wed 25th
Monday, March 9, 2015
Happiness Hypothesis
- Evaluate Haidt's arguments about the human mind and happiness
- Test #2 - God
- Happiness Hypothesis - Chapter One - Discussion
- Homework (see right bar for details)
- Tomorrow - Classical Philosophy (Stoicism)
- Wednesday - Happiness Hypothesis Chapter 5
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Religion Wrap-Up
Block 3
- Discussion - Life of Pi
- MDS3 Survey (After Lunch)
- Website
- Password: ya727f5f
- Work Time
- Happiness Hypothesis - Chapter 1 (due next class)
- Study for Test #2 - God (test next class)
Block 4
- Discussion - Life of Pi
- Work Time
- Happiness Hypothesis - Chapter 1 (due next class)
- Study for Test #2 - God (test next class)
Journal #6 - Can we choose to "believe the better story?" Which story do you believe and why? (For this, you can use either God or Pi as the topic).
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Pascal's Wager
- Evaluate Pascal's argument for belief in God
Note to Block 3: Your tests in Pinnacle were mistakenly labeled to be out of 40 points, instead of 36. This is corrected. Your grades should be improved!
Note to Block 3: Your tests in Pinnacle were mistakenly labeled to be out of 40 points, instead of 36. This is corrected. Your grades should be improved!
- Music: Unbelievers by Vampire Weekend (Lyrics)
- Collecting Some Journals!
- Pascal's Wager Discussion
- Watch Life of Pi
Monday, February 23, 2015
Western Religions
- Describe world religions and evaluate arguments for belief in God
Short Class - 2 Hour Delay
Short Class - 2 Hour Delay
- Crash Course - Quiz #2 - Western Religions
- Continue Discussion on Buddhism
- Journal #5 - Buddhist thinks all suffering comes from desire. How ought one respond to this problem in order to live a good life?
- Reading - Pascal's Wager - Due Wednesday 2/25
Friday, February 20, 2015
Eastern Religions
- Explain major ideas of epistemology and metaphysics.
Short Class - 2 Hour Delay
Short Class - 2 Hour Delay
- Music - "Right Action" by Franz Ferdinand
- The chorus "Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action" refers to three elements of the Buddhist Eightfold Path
- Quick Video Clip - "How you feel after too much Descartes."
- Test #1 Scores are in Pinnacle
- Slight curve (~2.5%) - one question made EC.
- Average Score = 80%
- Crash Course - Quiz #1 - Eastern Religions
- Begin Discussion on Buddhism
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Test #1 - Knowledge
- Explain major ideas of epistemology and metaphysics.
- Test #1 - Knowledge
- World Religions (Crash Course)
- Journal Entries (we're up to #4, see previous days).
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Determinism vs. Free Will
Test #1: Knowledge has been delayed until tomorrow.
- Get Community Character List
- Ok-Go Music Video: "This Too Shall Pass"
- Brief Lecture - Determinism vs. Free Will
- Q&A
- Community - Remedial Chaos Theory
- Discussion
- Journal Entry #4 - Do we have free will? Why or why not?
- Study / Work on Crash Course (if time)
If you are absent today:
- Watching the episode of community is optional, however
- Read up on the Determinism vs. Free Will Debate
- Main ideas: Wikipedia - Free Will
- A handy video: Wireless Philosophy - Problem of Free Will
- This won't be on this test, but will be tested later (God/Identity units)
- You still need to complete journal entry #4 by Friday
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Test Postponed
I know many of you will be attending Claire's funeral on Wednesday. As a result, I am going to postpone the test until Thursday. The first crash course quiz will be on Friday, and the second on Monday.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
What is True?
- Analyze arguments about the limits of our knowledge
- Attendance
- Test Review Sheet
- Explain Test Format
- Branches of Philosophy
- Small Group Discussion - Randomized
- Share thoughts on one article in depth
- Whole Class Discussion
- Discuss each article briefly
- Review Time
- Journal Entry #3: Evaluate the Simulation Argument.
- Test #1: Knowledge is Tuesday
Monday, February 9, 2015
The Thirteenth Floor
- Analyze Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy
- Watch The Thirteenth Floor (60 min)
- Discussion
- Meditation III is due on Tuesday, February 10th.
- Knowledge readings are due on Wednesday, February 11th.
- Test #1: Knowledge is on Thursday, February 12th.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Descartes - Meditation II
- Analyze Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy
- Discuss Descartes Second Meditation (45 min)
- Journal Entry #2:
- Is Theseus' ship the same after all the changes? What about the other 'replica' ship using original parts? Explain your thoughts on the problem from our discussion.
- Watch The Thirteenth Floor (45 min)
- Meditation III is due on Tuesday, February 10th.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Work Day
- Analyze Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy
- Work Day
- Journal Entry #1:
- Have you ever had a significant belief called into doubt? If so, how did this cause you to rethink your other beliefs? If not, consider what it would be like if one was.
- Do you agree or disagree with Descartes ' plan to "start over" with a new belief system from nothing in light of his past errors?
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Descartes - Meditation I
- Analyze Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy
- Reading Check
- Meditation I Discussion
- Read Meditation II
- Tomorrow: Thirteenth Floor
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Logical Fallacies
- Explain major logical structures
- Work On Logic Presentations (45 min)
- Presentations
- Begin Descartes Meditations
- Meditation I - Due Wed
- Meditation II - Due Fri
- Meditation III - Due Mon
Monday, February 2, 2015
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