After we watch each of the following sections, complete a journal entry evaluating one of the ethical issues from the show. You can choose your topic from any of the below questions, one for each part. These should be pretty solid journal entries - make sure you answer the full question.
To see the questions below, highlight them with your mouse. They contain spoilers, so wait until you've finished the relevant section.
Part One - Miniseries
- Gaius Baltar: How morally responsible is Gaius for success of the cylon attacks? While he knew was doing something wrong, he never intended anything close to the damage he did. Do his intentions matter - or only the effects? How ought someone like Gaius be punished?
- Rescue: Helo and Boomer make an emergency landing on Caprica and can only carry a few people. Do you agree with their solution? Consider the preference of kids, lottery system, and Helo's sacrifice. What would you do in their place and why?
- Fire: Saul Tigh has to make a tough call during the fire. Describe both his reasoning and Chief Tyrol’s reasoning as best you can. What would you do in his situation and why?
- Presidency: Laura Roslin is number fourty three in the line of succession. Does she have legitimate authority to serve as president? Why or why not? If you were Adama, would you follow her orders or stage a military coup?
- Share your thoughts on another dilemma you noticed during the episode. Just give your entry a clear heading regarding the topic. For example, the debate about fighting or running, or the Astral Queen's request to execute prisoners.
- Cylon Rights: Are artificial life forms entitled to the same natural rights as humans? Even if they committed genocide? How ought the Cyclon prisoners aboard Galactica and Pegasus be treated?
- Civil War: Commander Adama nearly starts a war with Pegasus over Admiral Cain’s attempt to execute Helo and Tyrol. Such a battle would have crippled the fleet and may have led to the extinction of the species. Was he justified in his decision?
- Assassination: Roslin said “I afraid this can only end one way. You've got to kill her.” Was she right? Is assassination the ethically correct call for Commander Adama to make?
- Prison Break: Did Gaius make the right decision by freeing the cylon prisoner and giving her a gun? Why or why not?
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