Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
- Describe the life and philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche
- Analyze the concepts of slave/mastery morality, the death of God, the will to power, and eternal return.
- Warm-Up #35: In your view, what is the basis/origin for most of conventional morality?
- ELI5: Nietzsche and Existentialism
- Reading: Nietzsche
- http://www.nietzschefamilycircus.com/
Either/Or Part III
- Describe the life and philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard.
- Evaluate the choice within Either/Or between the aesthetic and the ethical life.
- Warm-Up #34: What is "thought despair" and why does the Judge think A suffers from it?
- Thought Despair: Discussion
- PowerPoint: The Ethical & Religious
- Optional Reading: Mr. M's Kierkegaard Paper
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Either/Or Part II
- Describe the life and philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard.
- Evaluate the choice within Either/Or between the aesthetic and the ethical life.
- Warm-Up #33: A has a number of clever ideas about life, but he seems to still be unhappy. What do you think about his life philosophy?
- PowerPoint: Kierkegaard (Brief)
- Reading: Either/Or - Judge's Letter
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Reading Day
- Describe the life and philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard.
- Evaluate the choice within Either/Or between the aesthetic and the ethical life.
- Prepare yourself to go see THE HOBBIT this weekend, if you're a classy cool person.
- No Written Warm-Up
- Reading: Either/Or
- Reminders:
- Your reading is due on Monday. If you did not pick up a copy yesterday, you can find it up front by Friedrich.
- If you didn't get the notes yesterday, here is a copy of the PowerPoint thus far. Basically, just know the Kierkegaard section.
- You should highlight and use margin notes. The second part of this reading - The Diapsalmata - is a little different. Lots of short segments instead of big meaty connected paragraphs.
- You do NOT need to note every single section.
- If you have some summary / highlight / notation on about 1/3 or 1/4 of them, you're in about the right area. You want stuff to pull out in discussion, but you don't need to note *everything.*
- This isn't an easy read, but it's important. Dig deep on it. In particular, think about the overall message of A's lifestyle. Is he a jerk? Smart? Crazy? Wise? What's worth keeping from his observations? Does anything show him to be in a crisis / despair?
- Describe the life and philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard.
- Evaluate the choice within Either/Or between the aesthetic and the ethical life.
- Warm-Up #32: Aside from Mr. M, what causes boredom in life? How do you avoid it?
- PowerPoint: Kierkegaard (Brief)
- Reading: Either/Or
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Justice Review
- Review major political ideologies
- No Written Warm-Up
- Existentialism Reading (partner/small groups)
- See assignment on sidebar
- This is due on Friday @ Start of Class
- You'll have time to work today, after the test tomorrow, and at home. You can decide how you want to balance that time with preparing for the test.
- Review Time
- Study packets & powerpoints
- Ask questions
- Evaluate our school's attempts to "educate the whole person" in an Aristotelian way through an assembly about alcohol and decision-making.
- No Written Warm-Up
- How To Watch Philosophically
- Be open minded, but take an analytical approach.
- Analyze the rhetorical approach: Is this argument logical? Reliance on emotional appeal? Does it hold up on a universal level?
- Is he making an appeal to your personal happiness, ethics, or both?
- Evaluate the form of moral reasoning: Is the advice given deontological, consequentialist, and/or an appeal to virtue?
- Think about philosophers. Ex: What would Kant say about this?
- Look at the overall approach in terms of phronesis (practical wisdom). Does this educational program achieve its ends? If so, what's good about it. If not, is there a better way to do so? Is the ends futile, irrelevant, or unneeded?
- Assembly
- Discussion / Reflection

Monday, December 2, 2013
Ethics Presentations Day III
- No Written Warm-Up
- Presentations!
- Looking Ahead:
- Tomorrow we're missing almost all of class due to an assembly. You'll be hearing Aaron Corksy speak. ( His website: http://dropyourpride.org/ )
- Wednesday we will finish the last presentations. We may start a reading on existentialism.
- Thursday will be your Justice test, and then we'll begin Existentialism!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Friday, November 22, 2013
Fascism Friday
- No Written Warm-Up
- Fascism PowerPoint
- Origins
- Values
- Mussolini Quotes
- Brief History
- Class Ideologies
- Work Time
- Projects
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Ideologies and Stuff

- Review major tenets of political ideologies
- No Written Warm-Up
- Conservatism Bits: Criticism (reactionary)
- Liberalism Bits: Economic / Social Policy (see packet)
- Mini-Lecture: The Political Spectrum
- Political Spectrum Quiz
- Political Ideologies Discussion
- Work Time
- Projects
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Liberalism I
- Evaluate the major tenets of liberal thought
- No Written Warm-Up
- PowerPoint - John Rawls
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Projects
Monday, November 18, 2013
Conservatism II
- Evaluate the major tenets of conservative thought
- Warm-Up #30 - How much does Oakeshott's description of the "conservative disposition" match your own personality? A little? A lot? Or are you the opposite? Explain.
- Discussion: On Being Conservative
- PowerPoint
- Disposition
- Unintended Consequences
- Social Policy
- Economic Policy
- Criticism
- Work Time
- Projects
Conservatism I
- Evaluate the major tenets of conservative thought
- No Written Warm-Up
- PowerPoint (briefly)
- Tradition!
- Disposition
- On Being Conservative by Michael Oakeshott (read, due tomorrow)
- Work Time
- Projects
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Socialism IV
Today we'll be learning about Star Trek and Communism. |
- Evaluate the major tenets of socialist thought
- Warm-Up #28: Briefly summarize Marx's concept of alienated labor.
- PowerPoint
- Hegel - A Brief Intermission
- Historical Materialism
- Marx's Theory of Revolution
- Pure Communism
- Objections!
- Work Time
- Projects
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
- Warm-Up #27: In your own words, what is socialism?
- Socialism PowerPoint & Discussion
- Work Time
- Projects
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Libertarianism Part II
- Evaluate the major tenets of libertarian thought
Libertarians love maximizing freedom of choice. Even if it doesn't work out well in the end. |
- No Written Warm-Up
- Libertarianism
- Ayn Rand & Objectivism
- Work Time
Libertarians believe you have the freedom to wear any hat you want, no matter how silly. |
- Evaluate the major tenets of libertarian thought
- Warm-Up #26: If you were to identify yourself with a major political ideology from the following list, how would you identify yourself based on your current knowledge of the topic.
- None / Don't Know, Moderate, Libertarian, Liberal, Conservative, Socialist, Fascist
- Libertarianism
- Introduction - A Strong Theory of Rights
- Distribution of Wealth
- Robert Nozick & Modern Libertarianism
- Ayn Rand & Objectivism
- Work Time
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Test #5: Ethics (and Thor)
- Evaluate the three main forms of moral reasoning
- No Written Warm-Up - Prepare For Test!
- Test #5: Ethics
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Work on your projects!
Monday, November 4, 2013
Dr. Horrible's Ethical Dilemma
- Examine the principles of Virtue Ethics
- Compare & Contrast the three main forms of moral reasoning
- No Written Warm-Up.
- Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog & Virtue Ethics
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Work on your projects!
- Study for test!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Introduction to Virtue Ethics
- Examine the principles of Virtue Ethics
- No Written Warm-Up.
- Virtue Ethics Assignment (see right bar) - due Monday @ Start of Class
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Work on your projects!
- See yesterday's optional modification.
The Categorical Imperative
- Evaluate Kant's conception of freedom and ethical duty.
- No Written Warm-Up. Take some time to appreciate everyone's costumes.
- Kant
- The Categorical Imperative
- First Formulation
- Second Formulation
- The Murderer Problem
- Lesson in Lying
- Work Time
- A modification to your project...
- You need to represent specific positions in your project. But you don't need to do two philosophers anymore, exactly.
- Option A: At least two philosophers representing opposing positions on the issue. One must be from the unit list.
- Option B: At least two forms of moral reasoning (Categorical, Consequentialist, or Virtue Ethics). You should reference at least one philosopher from the unit list or independent research (not someone from a previous unit).
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
What is Freedom?
- Evaluate different views on personal and political ethical debates
- Warm-Up #25: Define freedom.
- Utilitarianism Clarification
- An argument for justice from a Utilitarian perspective
- Kant - What is freedom? (PowerPoint)
- Work Time
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Ethics Project (Day 1)
- Evaluate different views on personal and political ethical debates
- Warm-Up #24: Do you agree with Bentham (it's all relative) or Mill (some things are better than others) in the debate over higher and lower pleasures?
- Utilitarianism Wrap-Up
- Higher vs. Lower Pleasures Discussion
- What does it mean for public policy?
- Work Time
- Pick Topic
- Preliminary Research
- Facts, Info
- Conventional Viewpoints
- Brainstorm Philosophers
- Ask Mr. M!
- Vote
Monday, October 28, 2013
Utilitarianism (Day 3)
- Analyze the utilitarian position on ethical decisions
- Warm-Up #23: Briefly describe one criticism of utilitarianism.
- Utilitarianism
- Quantifying Utility
- Higher vs. Lower Pleasures
- Work Time
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Utilitarianism (Day 2)
- Analyze the utilitarian position on ethical decisions
- Warm-Up #22: Is there a fundamental difference between the "switch" and "fat man" examples in the Trolley Problem? Would you do the same action in either case? Justify your choice, and explain any inconsistency between the two decisions.
- Utilitarianism
- Queen vs. Dudley & Stephens
- Quantifying Utility
- Work Time
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Utilitarianism (Day 1)
- Analyze the utilitarian position on ethical decisions
- Warm-Up #21: When you ask yourself, "What's the right thing to do" in a situation, what sort of factors do you consider?
- Utilitarianism
- Trolley Problem
- Doctor
- Moral Reasoning
- Bentham
- Queen vs. Dudley & Stephens
- Quantifying Utility
- Work Time
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Presentations / Review / Project
- Analyze consciousness, memory, and free will.
- No Written Warm-Up
- Presentations
- Alex Sands
- Haley Williams (maybe)
- V Sauce: What is consciousness?
- Discussion
- Test #4: Identity
- Questions - Choose One
- What makes you... you? (Dollhouse, Eternal Sunshine, V Sauce, Ship of Theseus)
- Do people have free will? (Community, Eternal Sunshine)
- Is it ever better to forget the past? (Dollhouse, Eternal Sunshine)
- For each question, you ought to engage the issue DEEPLY, this means the following:
- A clear and organized essay with introduction, thesis, and conclusion
- Present at least two contrasting views on the issue, representing them as strongly as possible.
- Explain problems & complications that you see in one or more of the views you presented.
- Establish a clear position on the issue. This might be one of the views you presented, a blend of the two, or a separate original thought.
- Project - Ethics
- Description (see sidebar)
- Work Time
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Presentations (Day 2)
- Evaluate Haidt and Greco-Roman philosophy on Happiness in the context of our lives
- No Written Warm-Up
- Odds & Ends
- Prepare for presentations
- Print papers
- Fix Up / Finish / Print Warm-Ups (due Tomorrow)
- Presentations
Monday, October 14, 2013
Presentations (Day 1)
- Evaluate Haidt and Greco-Roman philosophy on Happiness in the context of our lives
- No Written Warm-Up
- Odds & Ends
- Prepare for presentations
- Print papers
- Fix Up / Finish / Print Warm-Ups (due Tomorrow)
- Secret special project!
- Mr. M takes inventory of projects
- Presentations
Friday, October 11, 2013
Happiness Project Day
- Analyze issues of consciousness, free will, and identity.
- Warm-Up #20: Do you believe in free will, determinism, are you unsure, or believe in something in between? Explain why you believe that, and how you think this ought to affect your actions (if at all).
- Work Time
- Work on projects (due Monday!)
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Remedial Chaos Theory
- Analyze issues of consciousness, free will, and identity.
- Community - Remedial Chaos Theory
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Work on projects
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Man on the Street
- Analyze issues of consciousness, free will, and identity.
- No Written Warm-Up
- Watch Dollhouse S1E6 - "Man on the Street"
- Continue @ 10 minutes in
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Work on projects
- Prepare for test
Test #3: Happiness
- Describe the main ideas of Haidt, the Stoics, the Epicureans, the Cynics, and Aristotle.
- No Written Warm-Up
- Test #3: Happiness
- Dollhouse (Part One) - Stop @ 10 Min ~ Joel Miner's House
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Work on projects
- Prepare for test
Monday, October 7, 2013
Aristotle / Projects
- Analyze Artistotle's arguments for a happy life
- No Written Warm-Up
- Discuss Aristotle
- Work Time
- Work on projects
- Prepare for test
Thursday, October 3, 2013
- Analyze Artistotle's arguments for a happy life
- No Written Warm-Up
- Aristotle Assignment
- Happiness Review
- Happiness PowerPoint
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Work on projects
Happiness Hypothesis VI
- Analyze & Evaluate The Happiness Hypothesis
- Warm-Up #19: Describe one idea from your reading that you found interesting or useful.
- Discussion: The Happiness Hypothesis (Chapter VI)
- Work Time
- Work on projects
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Project Day II
- Analyze & Evaluate The Happiness Hypothesis
- No Written Warm-Up
- Today is a project day, or as Sam would say, "a do whatever you want day."
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis (part four - Chapter VI - due Thursday)
- Work on Happiness Projects
- Conference w/ Mr. M about project ideas
Monday, September 30, 2013
Happiness Hypothesis X
- Analyze & Evaluate The Happiness Hypothesis
- Warm-Up #18: Describe one idea from your reading that you found interesting or useful.
- Announcements
- Website Issue
- Right bar is going to be out of date until google fixes this bug.
- Due date for project is Monday, 10/14
- Additional Content - Chapter Six - Love
- Thus far the reception to the Happiness Hypothesis seems good - better than Descartes at least. I decided to delay your test two days (it will be early next week) to offer a bit more time to work on your project and dig a bit deeper into Haidt.
- More opportunities for topic discovery for those of you who are still stuck on your project
- Apologies for the now out of order nature of the reading
- Discussion: The Happiness Hypothesis (Chapter X)
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis (part four - Chapter VI - due Thursday)
Friday, September 27, 2013
Happiness Project
- Analyze & Evaluate the main ideas of the Cynics
- Warm-Up #17: What is your overall impression of the Cynics? What do you like or dislike about their philosophy?
- Discussion: The Cynics
- Review main ideas
- Evaluate the Cynics
- Determine Happiness Project Topics & Formats
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis (part three due tomorrow)
- Work on Happiness Project
Thursday, September 26, 2013
- Analyze & Evaluate the main ideas of the Cynics
- No Written Warm-Up
- Happiness Project Description
- Activity: Cynicism Research
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis (part three due Monday)
The Happiness Hypothesis V
- Analyze & Evaluate The Happiness Hypothesis
- Warm-Up #16: Describe one idea from your reading that you found interesting or useful.
- Discussion: The Happiness Hypothesis (Chapter V)
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis (part three due Monday)
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
![]() |
Discount Life of Pi |
- Analyze the ideas of the Epicureans
- Warm-Up #15: Describe the main ideas of Stoicism
- Epicureans Assignment
- Discussion
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis (part two due Thursday)
Writing Workshop
- Review essay writing skills & expectations
- No Written Warm-Up. Instead, fun picture:
- Writing Skills Review Lecture
- Based on essays from past test
- Key points on board
- View writing samples
- Return Essays / Answer Questions
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis (part two due Thursday)
Monday, September 23, 2013
Happiness Hypothesis (Part I)
- Analyze & Evaluate The Happiness Hypothesis
- Warm-up #14: Describe one idea from your reading that you found interesting or useful.
- Discussion: Happiness Hypothesis
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis (part two due Wednesday)
Thursday, September 19, 2013
- Analyze the philosophy of the Stoics
- No Written Warm-Up
- Happiness Part One: Stoics
- Core Values
- Famous Stoics
- Quotes
- This Is Water - David Foster Wallace
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis (part one due Monday)
Monday, September 16, 2013
The Problem of Evil
- Evaluate the "Problem of Evil"
- Warm-Up #13: Define Evil
- Discussion: The Problem of Evil
- Epicurus
- Breaking Down The Argument
- Counterarguments
- Work Time
- Reading The Happiness Hypothesis
- Preparing for Test #2: God (tomorrow)
Friday, September 13, 2013
Life of Pi
- Analyze Pascal's Wager
- Evaluate the argument in Life of Pi
- Warm-Up #12: Pascal argues that with enough motivation and proper habits we can choose to believe in God. Do you think his argument is sound?
- Life of Pi
- Discussion: Life of Pi & Pascal's Wager
- (If Time) - Begin Reading on Happiness Hypothesis
Pascal's Wager
- Analyze Pascal's Wager
- Warm-Up #11: What are your initial reactions / response to Pascal's Wager?
- Discussion: Pascal's Wager
- Life of Pi
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Aquinas' Five Proofs of God (Part II)
- Analyze Aquinas' proofs of God's existence
- Article Of Interest: Pope Francis Tells Atheists To Abide By Their Own Conscience
- Relates to our discussion about exclusivity claims in religion the other day; further support's Michelle's statements about the new Pope's broader concepts of salvation.
- Warm-Up #10 - Aquinas thinks he has found five ways to prove God; Descartes thought he could do the same thing; do you agree with his project? Is it possible to actually prove the existence of God using reason alone? Why or why not?
- Aquinas Discussion
- Life of Pi
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Aquinas' Five Proofs of God
- Analyze Aquinas' proofs of God's existance
- Talk: Papers & Discussions
- Time Management, Dig Deep, Accommodate Arguments
- Participation, Essay Ideas, Long-Term Connections, We <3 Knowledge
- Return Stuff
- Reading: Aquinas' Five Ways To Prove God Exists
- Highlight & Notes in Margins
- Be prepared to support or oppose each individual proof
- Life of Pi
Monday, September 9, 2013
Quiz / Western Religions
- Describe the history and beliefs of major world religions.
- Analyze Aquinas' proofs of God's existance
- No Written Warm-Up. Take 10 minutes after announcements to finish preparing your quote assignment from yesterday and/or preparing for your Crash Course Quiz.
- Quiz #3: Western Religions (Crash Course)
- Review Quiz
- Discuss Quotes
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Eastern Philosophy & Religion
- Describe the history and beliefs of major world religions.
- Warm-Up #9: Based on your Crash Course viewings, explain any one idea from an eastern religion or philosophy. (It could be a term or broad concept). Then, briefly explain why this idea has historical or philosophical importance.
- Powerpoint
- Key Concepts
- Dharma
- Karma
- Story of the Buddha
- Suffering
- Discussion
- Quotes
- With a partner, look at the quotes on the pages linked below.
- Buddhism: Buddha - Wikiquote, 14th Dalai Lama - Wiki Quote
- Confucianism: Confucius - Wikiquote
- From the sources above, select at least FOUR quotes (total) that you think are worthy of discussion. Write these in your journal, below today's warm-up. For each quote:
- Summarize what you believe it means
- State why you agree with it and think it is important, or why you feel this idea is mistaken, could be problematic, or needs clarification.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Quiz / Crash Course
- Describe the history and beliefs of major world religions.
- No Written Warm-Up.
- Quiz #2: Eastern Religions
- Discuss Religions
- How we talk about comparative religion
- True/False (not the issue)
- What religious beliefs are in the class
- Crash Course: World History
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
College / Crash Course
- Learn about the college application process
- Describe the history and beliefs of major world religions.
- No Written Warm-Up.
- College Application Talk from Counselors
- Crash Course: World History
Monday, September 2, 2013
Knowledge: Test
- Take a test on Plato, Descartes, and Logic.
- Describe the history and beliefs of major world religions.
- No Written Warm-Up
- Take 10 minutes to prepare for your test
- Test #1: Knowledge
- Crash Course: World History
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