Allegory of the Cave

Complete the Allegory of the Cave Reading and answer the following questions with a partner or group of three.  Your replies should be typed.  Turn in your answers to the inbox when you are finished;  only one copy is needed per group.


  1. Describe the setup of the prisoners in the cave in your own words OR leave a space and hand draw a diagram of the setup once you print your questions.
  2. Socrates suggests the prisoners would believe the shadows were real - why?
  3. Do you agree or disagree with his premise up to this point?  Why or why not?
  4. Describe the experience who is let out to the surface and sees the light.
  5. Socrates suggests that a person who learned the truth would never want to go back, even if it is miserable.  Do you feel the same way?  Are there any exceptions?
  6. When this man returns to the cave to share what he has learned, how would they regard him?  Why do you think they would act in this manner?
  7. Describe the point of the allegory, in your own words.

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